Clan Info from Neo


Clan Leader Clan Leader
Creationist Creationist
Plasma Pistol
Clan AchievementsAchieved StatusAchieved StatusExp gainedExp gained
Team Work-----Be in the clan party during a match we wonTeam Work-----Be in the clan party during a match we won  
Gold Medalist-----Have the most points in the party in a game we wonGold Medalist-----Have the most points in the party in a game we won  
Clan Devotion-----Played 5 or more game in a row with the clanClan Devotion-----Played 5 or more game in a row with the clan  
Pissed off Arc-----Obtained the shotgun with the fire faction leader in the party in any game typePissed off Arc-----Obtained the shotgun with the fire faction leader in the party in any game typeAchieved 
Fly By-----Got tool of destruction as a banshee while in clan party during matchmakingFly By-----Got tool of destruction as a banshee while in clan party during matchmaking  
Pissed off Neo-----Get a killjoy on the forest faction leader in any game typePissed off Neo-----Get a killjoy on the forest faction leader in any game type  
Weight Puller-----Got a positive K/D spread while with a faction leader in matchmakingWeight Puller-----Got a positive K/D spread while with a faction leader in matchmaking